Volume 21


Abstract: In 2018, the Supreme Court struck down the federal prohibition onstates’ legalization of sports gambling, enabling states to legalizeand regulate the activity. As a result, numerous states have passedsports gambling legislation, making it now legal in nineteen statesand the District of Columbia. However, no state regulation looksalike. Given the criminal associations of past sports


Abstract: At a fundamental level, the misuse of facial recognition endangers privacy, human rights, and constitutional rights. However, merelybanning facial recognition will not address or solve the issues andrisks inherent in the use of facial recognition. Rather than anoutright ban, developing specific limitations controlling how orwhen facial recognition can be used in public or private


Abstract: Time is the most valuable commodity bought and sold in our society.In the health care industry, time is always at a premium, and evenin areas with a high concentration of physicians, patient needs areoften unmet. With the rising popularity of artificial intelligence inprivate homes, the Big Five tech companies, Facebook, Amazon,Apple, Microsoft, and Google


Abstract: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcareindustry, especially within the practice of telehealth ortelemedicine, is quickly gaining momentum. Courts, however, facegreat difficulty in addressing the question of liability as it pertainsto such use of AI, specifically due to the inconsistency in thedistinction between medical device and medical procedure and theinconsistency in the


Abstract: In this so-called “information age,” when numerouscompanies are collecting and creating more and more data andinformation, it is important to consider how the interests of thesecompanies can (and should) be reconciled with the public’sinterests in information, or what the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights labels the “right to information.” Having expendedmoney to create their stores


Abstract: In the past two decades, the United States has increased theproduction and use of natural gas to fuel every day American life.This increase has resulted in the construction of millions of miles ofnatural gas pipelines. While this development has produced anumber of benefits, natural gas pipelines have introduced the threatof cyberattacks on natural gas


Abstract: The U.S. Supreme Court effectively redefined the scope of patenteligible subject matter when it decided Mayo.1 This decision focusedon medical diagnostic technology and has had a profound effect onthe biotechnology and personalized medicine industries in theUnited States. Subsequent back-to-back decisions by the SupremeCourt in Myriad2 and Alice3 have made it unequivocally clear thatthere is
