Volume 25, Issue 2
Traditionally, the National Football League has enjoyed antitrust exemptions for sponsored telecasting of games. However, due to the incorporation of NFL content onto streaming services, questions have arisen as to whether fans’ access to professional football is being unfairly restricted. This Article suggests that because the League’s first ever exclusive agreements with streaming services have …
The adoption of clean technology has become pivotal in the nationwide attempt to rely on renewable energy sources. In recentyears, the federal government has increasingly supported investment in offshore wind turbines. With the promulgation of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the Biden administration seeks to financially incentivize offshore wind infrastructure, to attain 30 Gigawatts …
“Most people, in fact, will not take trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.”—Thucydides Artificial intelligence systems create hyper-realistic fake media—deepfakes—that are completely indistinguishable fromauthentic media. As a result, people cannot believe the things they see or hear; it is impossible to determine whether …
In 2021, Florida passed Senate Bill 7072 in response toconcerns of censorship from large Silicon Valley-based social mediacompanies. After the Eleventh Circuit enjoined Bill 7072, Florida passed the Florida Digital Bill of Rights––a data privacy statute that also contained distinct anti-censorship provisions. After granting certiorari in Moody v. NetChoice, LLC., the U.S. Supreme Court should …
This Article explores the implications of integrating digital twins in healthcare, emphasizing the challenges of data breaches andpatient privacy. It advocates for proactive legislation to safeguard patient data security, proposing patient-controlled access through blockchain technology. It also underscores the necessity of protecting patient rights, especially in the face of geneticdiscrimination and criminalized healthcare. Assessing the …