Volume 25, Issue 1


“The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned.” ––Antonio Gramsci Protection of emergent works is impossible. Without an author, there is no expression of ideas which can be original, and thus no copyrightable work. Indeed, the whole system of copyright law, its conceptual building blocks of idea-expression dichotomy, originality, authorship,


Quality of life challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic emphasized the importance of making access to voice and broadband data services widespread and affordable. The virus forced nearly everyone to shelter in place and to rely on wired and wireless technologies for remote access to education, telehealth, government services, social networks, ecommerce, entertainment, and communications.


The legal regimes governing biotechnology and climate change took shape at approximately the same time, but for their first twenty years the two were viewed as independent of one another, with few if any areas of overlap. But in the years since, their potential areas of interconnection have started to grow. And within the last
