Volume 13, Online Edition


In response to the increasing number of cyberattacks, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Corporation Finance recently issued guidance on the disclosure obligations of companies relating to cybersecurity risks and cyber incidents. While the purpose behind the action was well founded, this article argues that the guidelines are inadequate because they fail to


Stalking is a crime that affects millions of people each year, with profound mental, physical, and financial effects for victims. In a technological world, new forms of stalking arose through online interactive mediums such as Twitter, blogs, Facebook, and email. Cyberstalking has many of the same ramifications as traditional stalking but with some new twists.


In early 2012 the North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology and the North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation held a joint symposium, “Anticipating Dissention: When Legal Frameworks, U.S. Commerce and Foreign Markets Intersect.” The symposium represents a historic first collaboration between these two journals and resulted in an absolutely splendid program
