

In North Carolina, where the Black population comprises only 22%, Black women accounted for 43% of the state’s pregnancy-related deaths from 2020 to 2022. This staggering disparity takes place despite the fact that a number of these fatalities happen under the supervision of healthcare professionals.   In 2021, the national maternal mortality rate was 32.9 per


The Facts and Posture of United States v. Carter  Does a sentence increase for a defendant who refuses to name their accomplice violate a defendant’s Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination? The Fourth Circuit, in U.S. v. Carter, 87 F.4th 217 (2023), did not decide the issue, but it highlighted a looming circuit split on the


North Carolina House Bill 40, commonly known as the “Anti-Riot Act” goes into effect on December 1st.   What is HB 40?   Introduced by House Speaker Tim Moore, HB 40 passed through the North Carolina General Assembly last Spring and was signed into law in March. Moore introduced an identical bill in 2021 directly after the


The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) faces another civil rights complaint. Last April, the Vermont Law and Graduate School’s Environmental Justice Clinic, on behalf of North Carolina nonprofits and residents, filed a complaint with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Civil Rights under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, alleging that the


What happens when someone’s Miranda rights are violated? Who is held accountable? These are questions that the United States’ Supreme Court (“Supreme Court” or “Court”) has left unanswered following its ruling in Vega v. Tekoh. At issue in this case was whether a violation of Miranda could be the basis for a Section 1983 claim.


In June 2022, when the Fourth Circuit ruled in Peltier v. Charter Day School, Inc. that charter school students are not beyond the reach of Constitutional protections, it prevented these institutions from being havens for blatant gender discrimination.   The defendant in this case, Charter Day School (CDS) in Brunswick County, North Carolina, is a
