You’ve Got Fraud: Meta’s Embrace of Fraudulent Ads and How § 230 Can Protect Us
Social media exploded across the globe, permeating the lives of billions— creating an era of unprecedented interconnectedness, entertainment, education, and commerce. Friends stay connected continents apart; dance moves go viral; DIY lessons abound; and businesses reach new customers with pinpoint accuracy. Yet, this explosion also causes harm. Scammers take advantage of unsuspecting users; predators lure victims through endlessly available communication channels; drug dealers move from the street corner to the advertising banner to sell their illicit goods; and encouragement for eating disorders, self-harm, and suicide spread. Victims have little recourse: Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act offers technology platforms sweeping immunity from liability stemming from content posted to their platforms. This Article discusses an emerging contract law approach to rein in § 230 and return to victims a means of redress.
Author: Benjamin D. Spain
Volume 26, Issue 2